Grey Thoughts
Abbott says women are valuable...feminists up in arms
Opposition leader Tony Abbott is reported in todays news to have said that women  "shouldn't give themselves away lightly".
"Deputy" Prime Minister Julia Gillard of course was upset at the marks, saying that Abbott shouldn't tell women what to do....Julia prefers her women cheap obviously.

In other news, the government has withdrawn it's campaigns to discourage smoking, not wearing seat belts and getting a tan, as they don't want to tell people what to do....

Update: More of the context of Abbott's comments are available in this abc article.
Talking about his daughters he said
"Because in the end these are all very personal things. But if someone asked my advice, I would say, don't do anything that you will live to regret if you can possibly help it, and try to act in ways in which a self-respecting person would act."

Once again, this shows the pathetic dishonesty of Julia Gillard and many commentators.
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