Grey Thoughts
Anti-Life Experts Ignore Evidence
When 'experts' tell you that your evidence is not required, you have to question their value as an objective authority.
Donald Peebles, of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at University College London.... “But there was also a temptation to associate these movements — sucking a thumb, gasping as if talking — with adult movements, to think it is sucking its thumb because it is happy. It’s that feeling which I think is extraordinarily dangerous.”
Why is it dangerous? because it would tend people to go against this 'experts' pro-abortion, anti-life beliefs. It gets more pathetic however...
Though the foetus clearly looks human by 12 weeks, proper sensory development takes place much later, he said. There was a risk that the pictures would make people assume that foetuses have more advanced brains than is the case.

“The neurons in the brain might be in their final positions by about halfway through the pregnancy, but that in no way means they function in an adult way. These images don’t tell me anything I haven’t known for 30 years with ultrasound scans. We know what it looks like, and that it moves continuously. I don’t think in a scientific sense this sheds any new light on the debate.”
Yep. He knows the brain is fully formed by 18 weeks, but he doesn't care. The unborn may have a functioning brain, but as long as you can't 'prove' it, he wants to go on killing defenseless babies.

Onto another 'expert'
Huseyin Mehmet, Reader in Developmental Neurobiology at Imperial College London, said: “Personification of the foetus at that age is dangerous. Scans that look at the structure of the foetal brain at 23 to 24 weeks show that the human brain is extremely immature. It is the period between 24 and 40 weeks that is largely responsible for brain development. I was worried when I saw those images. To suggest that an early foetus in utero has those kind of human qualities of being able to suck its thumb and move, that it meets the biological definition of being really viable outside the uterus, is very difficult indeed.”
An immature brain doesn't mean it isn't functioning. our brains continue to develop. That an 'early foetus' has human qualities of moving and sucking it's thumb is now beyond question, yet this 'expert' tells us it doesn't mean they meet the 'Huseyin Mehmet, Reader in Developmental Neurobiology at Imperial College London, said: “Personification of the foetus at that age is dangerous. Scans that look at the structure of the foetal brain at 23 to 24 weeks show that the human brain is extremely immature. It is the period between 24 and 40 weeks that is largely responsible for brain development. I was worried when I saw those images. To suggest that an early foetus in utero has those kind of human qualities of being able to suck its thumb and move, that it meets the biological definition of being really viable outside the uterus, is very difficult indeed.”' is a red herring. Viability has been reduced to 20 weeks (not 23 as the article tells us - could it be the articles authors want to skew opinion for keeping the 24 week line in the UK? Note also the facts at the end of the article are cut down to focus on the lack of development) by medical advances. Our 'expert' doesn't want to deal with that, and so tries to create a straw man to attack. Anything that makes an unborn more personified is obviously upsetting to the dear doctor. I guess he doesn't like it getting in the way of his pro-abortion ideology.

But is worse than all that.
“I had two reactions when I saw those photographs,” said Donald Peebles, of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at University College London. “One was that this was a fantastic piece of technology that showed very clearly what we knew already about the foetus in a way that was comprehensible to the public.
"what we knew already". Yep. They don't care how human they act, because "We will never know at what point foetal consciousness and awareness start." But if they don't know when, why do they want to kill the feotus when it might just be conscious?

That they have 'known' these things for years , and merely decry when the public gains empathy for the unborn because it is 'dangerous' shows these 'experts' are callous, ideologically driven 'progressives'.
The viability and value of foetuses are being based on a comparison to the limb movements and brain function of an adult. Yet even the movements and brain function of a toddler or a primary school aged child aren't that of an adult. The capability exists but the control hasn't been mastered. It takes the years to reach maturity for that to happen. The same capability is being exhibited in a foetus in the womb, but obviously not developed, yet dismissed for not being comparable to a developed adult. The same standard, though somewhat hazy, would exclude completely viable children who have exited the womb some time previous. Why then are foetuses held to such a standard?

The level of development of a growing human is not a yes or no question, but instead a continuous scale from conception to adulthood.

Pro-abortionists simply try and compare it to adult functioning to make the difference appear large.

As you say, if you accept the argument that level of development is important, then why not apply the same argument to children outside the womb.
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