Grey Thoughts
Morality - Those Wacky Slippery Slopes
In news from the Netherlands, the first Polygamus Civil Union has been done. This is hardly suprising as Gay Marriage and many other permissive ideas have brought in a culture that adheres to the idea that Marriage is just something we can redefine on whatever lobby groups whim.

The logic of the homosexual lobby about gay marriage applie it to any other possible concept of marriage and so if you grant the logic it obviously leads to this sort of thing. A true slipperly slope in actions. Somehow, 'progressive' ideas have taken us back to the dark old days of polygamy and abortion.
I notice that you have a number of Christian links, which kind of implies that you derive your moral code from reading the Bible.

Can you find me a single verse in the Bible that tells you that this man should not be allowed two wives? After all, it was good enough for Abraham, wasn't it?
Jesus talks about how God made man and woman for each other and how the two become one. God allowed polygamy (like divorce) due to the hardness of man's heart. So, while it is not proscribed, it is not really approved either.

The question I have for you is, is there anywhere in the Bible where having multiple wives resulted in anything but scheming and bitterness?
Jesus quoted Genesis to describe marriage, sure enough - but he described it to a people who were polygamous by custom. Jews practiced polygamy from Abraham's time, and for a millenium after Jesus lived and died. That is why it is unusual to find monogamous marriages detailed in the Bible.

We know they were polygamous by custom, since Paul's advice to Timothy and to Titus concerning choosing overseers (επισκοποσ) and helpers (δαικονο&sigma) specifically mentions polygamy. They don't mention cannibalism, because there was no cannibalism in the early Church. But they do mention polygamy, because there was, and because the Romans didn't like it. The Romans considered it a wierd Jewish custom - which is also why today's Roman church condemns it.

If Jesus had a problem with polygamy, there would certainly be mention of it in the Gospels. Jesus didn't fool around when it came to condemning sin. But there isn't.

I prefer to base my morality on the Bible, not the teachings of the Roman church. Since the Bible nowhere condemns polygamy for ordinary people, I fall back to "do not judge others, lest you be judged".

I have to say that I can't think of any marriage anywhere in the Bible that does not include some scheming and bitterness.

This is because people are sinners - I assume you know this.

Yes, Paul instructs Titus and Timothy on choosing elders. Now, someone could argue that that means they should not be divorced. However, I'll grant you for our discussion that it deals with polygamy. Now, if God approves of it, why is having multiple wives a disqualification of an elder? I think it goes back to my previous point, that polygamy is not proscribed but it is not really a healthy and virtuous lifestyle either.

I prefer to base my morality on the Bible, not the teachings of the Roman church. Since the Bible nowhere condemns polygamy for ordinary people, I fall back to "do not judge others, lest you be judged".

Obviously though, Paul, as an apostle of Jesus, has judged it to be a disqualification for elder. Plus, you are leaving out about "for the judgement wherewith you judge, so will you be judged."

I have to say that I can't think of any marriage anywhere in the Bible that does not include some scheming and bitterness.

Joseph and Mary

Jesus quoted Genesis to describe marriage, sure enough - but he described it to a people who were polygamous by custom.

The question is though, how can you become one flesh with your wife when you have multiple wives? Jesus didn't condemn women having more than one husband. Nor did he directly condemn a host of other things that harmful.
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