Grey Thoughts
Iraq - Middle east feeling the heat
Hindrocket over at powerline has a post about changes in the middle east that can be attributed to the US and its allies actions in Iraq.
The beneficent effects of the administration's Iraq policy continue to be felt. Municipal elections have taken place in Saudi Arabia; Lebanese citizens march for self-rule; Egypt announces a plan for competitive elections, which, the International Herald Tribune says, responds to "stepped-up pressure from the United States," but also to the fact that the Arab world is "bubbling with expectations for political reform."

Hindrocket also lists the recent Syrian hand over of Saddam's Half brother (how long did they know he was there?) and in a more recent post, the Pro-syrian lebanese government resigning

To this list I would add the further civil unrest in Iran (encouraging the already existing movement), and Libya's rolling over on its WMD plans

Standing up to bullies gives other victims courage, and makes other bullies nervous. Children in the schoolyard understand that, so why doesn't the left?
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